Clayton Homes

Rutledge, Tennessee

Pre-engineered metal building addition

Clayton Homes in Rutledge, Tennessee needed to expand their manufacturing facility. The solution proposed by Brindley Construction was a Ceco® pre-engineered metal building. The 25,000-square-foot addition to their manufacturing floor involved demolition, site grading and preparation and installing below-grade utilities. Concrete foundations and the floor slab were poured and after the shell building was erected, interior masonry walls, interior doors, dock bumpers and seals were installed.

Additionally, the project was completely fitted with a fire suppression system and heating was provided by hanging gas heaters, which were connected to the existing gas system. The electrical specifications called for the installation of a 400 amp panel with 200 feet of underground raceway and conductors.

Rack systems allow the homes’ components to be ready for ease of installation.

The Ceco pre-engineered metal building provides wide clear-span areas that facilitate the movement of the homes during manufacture.

Elevated work floors provide access to the windows and eaves of the homes as they are built.