Q&A With Robbie Masucci, Brindley Construction’s Senior Estimator

left to right: Jeff Brindley, Vice President; Robbie Masucci, Senior Estimator; Ronnie Brindley, President

1. Can you tell us a little bit about your education and prior work experience?

I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Building Science. I have worked for companies in Huntsville, Birmingham, and Charlotte, NC, as a superintendent and project manager. I have been with Brindley for 17 years now as the Chief Estimator. 

2. What do you like most about working at Brindley Construction?

The people and the relationships with everyone here. Our team is like family. We enjoy being together and finding any reason to have food in the office. 

3. In five years, what are your visions for Brindley Construction?

I hope for continuous growth and maybe bidding on some larger projects. We have continued to grow since I joined the team and I look forward to adding to the team. 

4. How would you describe your team?

Dedicated and honest, which is rare in this industry. We are very detailed and upfront about our process and how we feel projects will work. We do everything possible to make sure our client’s visions come to life. 

5. What do you think is the most important skill that you bring to the table?

Performing a complete take-off on projects and gathering the best subs possible for the specific project. I have years of experience, which I feel put Brindley ahead. We pre-qualify all our subs to make sure they are up to the Brindley standard and will perform a project to perfection. 

6. What’s the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?

Learn all aspects of construction starting with working in the field (for a couple of years), which I believe is very important to becoming successful in the office. Always ask questions and for advice from your superiors even if you think it is trivial……. it’s the best way to learn.

7. What is your favorite tv show/series?

ESPN’s Sports Center

 We asked some of Robbie’s colleagues to tell us what it’s like working with Robbie and here’s what they had to say…

“I believe that Robbie estimates in his sleep. He can calculate something for you no matter what else he is doing at the time. And on a lighter note, he loves to sing and doesn’t even know he is doing it. It may be a song from the 80s or a commercial that he belts out for the Construction Department to enjoy.”

Jenny Hobbs, Project/Marketing Assistant

“Robbie is the best estimator I’ve ever worked with. He always asks the right questions and his attention to detail is impeccable. He brings so much value to our team and we are lucky to have him.”

Jeff Brindley, Vice President

Written by Brindley Construction

Experience, Dedication, and Integrity are our cornerstones. Building the Southeast since 1960, our company has grown and evolved into a successful full-service construction company with extensive experience in commercial, industrial, institutional, religious, assisted-living and medical projects. We are pleased to serve clients in Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, and Missouri.


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